Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I hope you love Christmas as much as I do. I love rushing around buying all these gifts that I can't afford to give to people in my family. I think it really shows them how much you truly love them when you give them something they don't really need, every year on Dec. 25th. 
NOT. I hate that actually because it's stupid. 
BUT I really do love being with my family during the holidays. All of my cousins are visiting from south FL and they are like brothers and sisters to me. By the way... did anyone see those security camera photos of the Angel who visited the little girl in the hospital and healed her pneumonia? angel pic I am so thankful that God is so good. 
Well I am going to go play some war games in my parent's basement on xbox 360. I hope you guys have a great Christmas with your family and friends! 


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